Thursday 13 June 2013

Headed back to the Outback

After spending two nights is Sydney we started our trek to the outback.  Sydney was a beautiful city but still a big city and we do prefer smaller towns and locations out in the wide open spaces.  So we are headed to the Outback.  
A tribute to to the dog from a 19th century bush ballad.  A tucker box is a bushman's lunch or grub box.  This dog is protecting his masters tucker box. 
From Gundagai we headed to Hay, NSW.  It rained off and on all day, cloudy and cool.  Just as we pulled into Hay it started pouring rain, zoom right under an awning behind the gas station to wait it out.  We took this dry place as an opportunity to find a room for the night.  The method we have been using on this trip is to check the Lonely Planet and the GPS for motels, hotels or pubs and start calling.  We got an Australian cell phone and this method has been fairly painless. As we pulled into town, Carl noticed a Shearers Museum so that was the first stop for the next day.

Sheep shearing demonstration
Wonderful museum about the Sheep industry and the area.  There were two women there that were so excited telling us about the area.  By the time we left we felt like we should spend a week there doing and seeing the sites but must hit the to Mildura.
Mildura had miles and miles of vineyards and orchards, a little oasis in the midst of all the parched farmlands .
Wentworth Gaol (Jail)

Big Lizzie was a one of a kind, oil burner made to pull big trains of heavily loaded wagons in soft ground
We met Matt Maier (Mutley) for lunch.  So these are all Far Riders in Australia, Carl, Matt, Ron, and Marlene Perry

Half of our gracious hosts  and tour guides in Mildura, Ron Perry.  He met us on the road on the way into town and escorted us out of town, stopping in Wentworth for a cuppa before heading to Broken Hill.  Thanks again for showing us your lively community and sharing your home with us.  We had a great time in Mildura.  And, Ron, thanks again for fixing Jonnie's helmet!

Off to Broken Hill, a mining town in the Outback.  They mine silver, lead, and zinc.  The early conditions in the mining industry were appalling and hundreds of miners died and many more suffered lead poisoning and lung disease.  There was a big strike that lasted for 18 months in 1919 and 1920 that brought about the 35 hour work week and the end of dry drilling. 


A glimpse of the city
 Miners memorial, all the names and ages of the miners killed in the mines and how they were killed.  Very somber place.

By golly, Aussie's do barbee!  Our host Bazz cooking up some lamb chops, lamb snags (that would be sausages) and that good Australian bacon.  Oh, it was super!

Mad Max 2 museum, unfortuneately it was closed but looking out at the scenery you could tell that is where the movie was filmed.  Fun stuff!
Our hosts in Broken Hill, two more Far Riders, Bazz and Liz!  Thank you again for a great time in Broken Hill!  You two are the bomb!
Carl at "Davo's" memorial plaque,  David Jones was the founder of Far Riders and was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident in Idaho, while completing the Iron Butt Rally in 2009.  It was very emotional for both of us to visit this spot, even tho we did not personally know Davo, he was a fellow long distance rider and his legacy continues to live on through The Far Riders group.   

Our bikes are pointed in the opposite direction than most when taking this photo at Davo's memorial site.  We figured we come from the other side of the world so we need to face the other direction..

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