Saturday 29 June 2013

Back in Queensland!

Jonnie is out bushwaking? 

 Carl does like his road trains.  They do make you feel pretty little when you have to pass them.

Met this couple who were traveling around Australia in the BMW with sidecar and pulling a trailer.  They are from Queensland and plan to be on the road for 6 months.  They have about 5 to go...

Lots of blue skies and miles and miles of miles and miles.

No, we are not going to go that way!

Mt Isa, Queensland.  Nice mining town with loads of history.  We toured the underground mine.  It was a "fake" mine for the tourists but still interesting and you still got a good idea of what working underground would be like.  Not for me!

Looks almost like the Wyoming Bucking Horse.  This is the water tower in Mt Isa.  Mt Isa has a pro rodeo that is second to Calgary Stampede.

This Skippy was sitting alongside the fence.  When we stopped to have a look at him he hopped away but his right hind leg was injured and he did not hop too straight or far.  The stretch of road between Cloncurry and Blackall had a huge amount of dead animals on the road.  There were kangaroos, wallabees, pigs, big birds, and other unidentifiable corpses but the majority were roos.  There definately is no shortage of roos in the outback.  A person can only imagine how much damage they cause automobiles and the public.   The situation is worse than in the states with the deer. At any rate, it was sad to see the injured kangaroo.


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