Tuesday 7 May 2013

May 3, 2013

May 3-5, 2013

We are here in Brisbane.  The flight from LA was about 14 hours.  Jonnie was able to sleep but Carl watched movies until about 4AM.  We left LA at midnight on April 30 and arrived in Brisbane and 7AM on May 1.  Crossing the International Date Line screws you up.  I think it will be worse going home.  When we got out of customs and immigration there stood Cam and Kath with big smiles and hugs.  We have officially met our new good friends.  It feels like we have known them forever.
Carl and Cam worked on the motorcycles getting them ready to ride.  Carl had made wiring harnesses for the GPS mounts and plug in for heated clothing before we left home.  These have been installed, new windscreens, bar backs and they are all ready to go since Cam had serviced both of them before we arrived.  We got the bikes transferred into our names and the insurance taken care of.  They are ready to go!
Kath and I rode in the International Women Ride Day ride.  There were about 50 women riders of all kinds participating.  Great day and great ride. 
Saturday we went for a very nice ride, there were 8 riders, Cam, Kath, John, Clint, Charleen, Paul, Carl and I. We saw some great countryside, twisty roads 


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